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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-8 | Issue-11
Computation of Flow Field over MUSES-C Space Reentry Capsules in Supersonic Speeds
R. C. Mehta
Published: Nov. 6, 2020 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjet.2020.v08i11.002
Pages: 192-198
The structure of the flow of a reentry capsule MUSES-C and the resulting base pressure has been numerically investigated. A computational fluid dynamics CFD analysis of the flow in base region of a planetary reentry capsule is studied. The present paper uses CFD to investigate the steady state perfect fluid dynamics of a reentry space capsule at zero angle of incidence with emphasis on the flow physics of the capsule. A CFD based investigation of the complex flowfield over the MUSES-C is carried out employing finite volume code. The present paper investigates phenomena associated with the flow in the fore body and as well as base region of the MUSES-C. The present paper is aimed to analyze numerical solutions of viscous flow past the reentry capsule and focusing on the characteristics of the near wake flow detachment, free shear layer evolution, lip shock formation, recirculation region, and upstream influence. The approaching boundary layer separates at the corner and the free-shear layer is formed in the wake region. A low pressure is formed in the base region of the capsule which is characterized by a low-speed recirculation zone.