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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-8 | Issue-05
Enzymatic Markers Playing a Definitive and Supportive Role in the Diagnosis of Malaria
Dr. Chaganti Sridevi, Dr. UVPU Sowjanya, Dr. V.S. KalaiSelvi
Published: May 30, 2020 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2020.v08i05.004
Pages: 133-136
Malaria is one disease which is dangerous in tropical world. Pathophysiological process involves centrilobular liver damage due to invading sporozites causing destruction of RBC. Liver and RBC’s are abundant in Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH), an intracellular enzyme, which is released into the circulation on injury of liver and destruction of RBC. Serum LDH activity is an extremely valuable enzymatic marker of acute malarial patients. Alanine Transaminase (ALT) is found largely in liver, so it serves as a marker of liver damage. RBC contain surplus of Acid Phosphatase (ACP). Similarly, Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) serves as marker of liver damage. Samples were collected from 68 individuals and Enzymes were assayed on Autoanalyser while ACP was assayed on semi-autoanalyser by Kinetic Method. ). It was detected that enzyme ACP, AST, ALT, ALP activity rises significantly (p<0.05) and increase in LDH is highly significant (p<0.001) in patients with vivax malaria as compared to the control subjects. It was further observed that enzyme AST, ALT, ALP activity increases significantly (p<0.05) and increase in ACP, LDH is highly significant (p<0.001) in falciparum malaria patients as compared to control subjects. The results of the present research provide information and association between hepatic and RBC biochemical derangements in vivax/falciparum malaria patients. Early treatment can be initiated based on these findings to avoid complications and to diminish mortality. These enzymatic markers also have a supportive role in knowing the extent of hemolysis and liver damage and thus the severity of the disease.