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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-8 | Issue-06
Clinical Profile of Febrile Seizure Presenting to Pediatric Emergency Care: A Descriptive Study
Jaya Shankar Kaushik, Virender Kumar Gehlawat
Published: June 11, 2020 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2020.v08i06.001
Pages: 137-142
A cross sectional study was conducted to describe the clinical profile of children presenting to pediatric emergency services with febrile seizure. Children aged 6 months to 60 months presenting to the emergency department with a first episode of febrile convulsion were recruited for the study. Their baseline demographic and clinical data were recorded. A total of 35 children were enrolled in the study. The mean (SD) age of enrolled children was 18.49 (10.79) months. Majority was belonged to rural background [20 (57.1%)]. Most of the parents on seeing their child convulsing did nothing and immediately present to the doctor [26 (74.28%)] followed by massaging [8 (22.86%)]. The mean (SD) age at onset of seizure was 17.6 (11.0) months and mean (SD) no. of seizures were 1.9 (2.4). Moderate grade of fever was seen in most of the children [17 (48.6%)] and was associated with chills in 11 (31.4%) children. Maximum no. of children presented with the sign and symptom of Irritability [25 (71.4%)] followed by staring eyes [22 (62.9%)] and abnormal cry [16 (45.7%)]. The present study found that majority of children with febrile seizure had moderate degree of fever followed by generalized type of seizure. Most of them had no clear-cut focus of infection at the time of presentation.