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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-8 | Issue-07
Oxygen Saturation Trend in Normal Healthy Term Newborn
Dr. Sunil Gavhane, Dr. Jagruti Mahale, Dr. Sachin Dhule, Dr. Madhuri Engade, Dr. Harshal Tukaram Pandve
Published: July 8, 2020 | 267 233
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2020.v08i07.001
Pages: 183-186
Background: An infant after birth goes transition from foetal circulation to neonatal circulation. Changes in ventilation and circulation occur during this time indicated by the changes in heart rate, respiratory rate and APGAR score. Aim: To form a normative data of pulse oxymetry readings in newborns at 1st, 5th, and 10th minute of life, in healthy term newborn. Material Methods: The study was conducted in tertiary care hospital in India during the period of 2 years. All the full term healthy newborns and no resuscitation required at birth were included in the study after taking voluntary informed consent of their parents. Predesigned semi-structured questionnaire was prepared based on the review of literature on pulse oximetry in healthy newborns Results: Total 2873 babies out of 4326 born were included in the study. Mean heart rate was 139 per minute at 1 minute which gradually reduced to 122 per minute at the end of 10 minutes. Mean respiratory rate was 45 per minute at 1 minute which gradually reduces to 40 per minute at the end of 10 minutes. Mean APGAR score was 9 at 1 minute which increased to 10 at the end of 10 minutes. Mean SpO2 was 67% at 1 minute which increased to 83% at the end of 5 minutes and 91% at the end of 10 minutes of life. Conclusion: the study concluded saturation trends didn’t vary according to the gender, birth weight in term infants.