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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-8 | Issue-11
An Epidemiological Study of Diagnosed Avascular Necrosis of Hip Joint (AVN Hip) Cases and Exploring the Etiology and Treatment Offered in Patients Coming to Dr. Hardas Singh Orthopedic Hospital and Superspeciality Research Centre, Circular Road, Amritsar, Punjab
Dr. Pancham Prasad, Dr. Parvinder Singh Sandhu
Published: Nov. 13, 2020 | 293 861
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2020.v08i11.001
Pages: 344-349
Background: Osteonecrosis is a condition caused by a temporary or permanent loss of blood flow to the bone. Data regarding the incidence and prevalence of AVN hip in Indian scenario is not clear, studies which are of recent origin estimate the prevalence or presence of disease based on North Indian population as having more males involved than females without any clear picture regarding the prevalence in general population. Study was planned to get a clear picture in the hospital settings as to what can be the possible causes of AVN hip and treatment being given to such cases. Material and methods: Hospital based study on patients coming to the Orthopedics OPD of Dr. Hardas Singh Orthopedic hospital and superspeciality research centre was conducted from June 2018-June 2020. Data was collected for willing patients and analyzed using SPSS version 20.0. Results: 139 Males were affected mostly out of 158 patients, the common reasons behind the cause of AVN hip were Chronic diseases, Idiopathic reasons and Smoking. Treatment in form of Surgery was refused by 43 individuals while 115 patients were upon and core decompression, vascularized fibular bone graft and total hip replacement was the commonest option given. Conclusion: More research is needed on this topic and patient education is needed to make them seek early medical care.