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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-2 | Issue-03
Study of the Risk Factors for Multiple Debridements in Diabetic Foot Patients
Narasimha Swamy P, Murali Mohan R, Lingaraju N
Published: May 30, 2016 |
DOI: 10.36347/sasjs
Pages: 84-89
Approximately 9% of the Indian urban population and 3% of the rural population is estimated to have
diabetes. Foot ulceration is thought to affect 15% of people with diabetes at some time in their lives. The objective of this
study is to determine the risk factors for multiple surgical debridements in patients with diabetic foot ulcer, in
comparison to one or no surgical debridement.: This study is carried out in the Department of General Surgery, Mandya
institute of medical sciences, Mandya from March 2015 to Feb. 2016 (12 months). This is an observational study and
data was collected retrospectively. A total of 110 patients were included in the study. 78% were elderly (> 50 years),
68% were men, and 33% were over-weight/obese. In this clinical study of diabetic foot ulcers, diabetic foot ulcer patients
were evaluated and also assessed for risk factors for multiple repeated debridements, by comparing with patients who had
one or none debridements. The risk factors identified among the patients who underwent multiple debridements were
higher grade of Wagner diabetic foot ulcer classification, infections and poor nutrition (hypoalbuminemia). A thorough
evaluation of diabetic foot ulcer utilizing a multidisciplinary team is recommended to achieve optimal outcomes.