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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-8 | Issue-12
Assessment of Literature on Webometrics Published in the Scopus-Elsevier Database from 2003 - 2019
Tahira Yasmin, Saleh Ali Al-Qarni, Zameer Hussain Baladi
Published: Dec. 10, 2020 | 204 139
DOI: 10.36347/sjet.2020.v08i12.001
Pages: 199-203
To evaluate, year-wise, document types, subject-wise classification, authorship pattern, language pattern, and collaboration of countries in research productivity of webometrics published in journals indexed in the Scopus database from 2003 – 2019. The study data retrieved from the Scopus-Elsevier database on file format with comma-separated value (CSV) and note paid techniques as plaintext for measuring the statistical positions to fulfill the study's aim. MS Office Excel Sheet 2010 used for tabulations. The mainstream of documents existing on article shape, followed by conference papers, review articles, editorial, and book chapters. Computer science with 55, 73% take leading space to follow by three other subjects. A majority 61; 81.3% articles written collaboratively, and the remaining 14; 18.6% research papers produced by a single or solo author. The journal Scientometrics got the attention of researchers and published eight articles out of 75 articles. Webometrics attract authors affiliated with 101 countries to mark their sketch in collaborative manners in seven languages, but the English language with 64, 85.3% on the top slot. This study of webometrics indicate a new field of exploration to determine the value of hindrances for more analysis, improvement, and outcomes in the provision of ideas, layout plans, and their execution, and achievement to rise higher in the time of delivering of services or products.