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SAS Journal of Medicine | Volume-6 | Issue-12
Study of the Prevalance of Congenital Uterine Anomalies during Cesarean Section
Rekha N, Roopa N. K
Published: Dec. 16, 2020 |
DOI: 10.36347/sasjm.2020.v06i12.004
Pages: 247-251
Congenital uterine anomalies are a result of abnormal formation, fusion or resorption of Müllerian ducts during fetal life [1]. The actual prevalence of uterine anomalies in the general population is not known. Recent studies indicated that the prevalence of uterine anomalies varies from 0.1% to 10% in general population [2-4] and 5- 25% in women with adverse pregnancy outcome. This study is conducted to determine the prevalence of congenital uterine anomalies discovered during Caesarean section. Methods: This is a Prospective observational study conducted in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of BGSGIMS, Bangalore. All women who underwent Caesarean section during 2017 – 2019 (over a period of 2 years) were included in the study. After delivery of the fetus and placenta, digital exploration of the uterine cavity was done to identify uterine anomaly and fundus of uterus was examined after exteriorization. Uterine anomalies if discovered were noted. Results: During the study period of 2 years, 1560 Caesarean sections were performed. Out of 1560 women who underwent cesarean section, 31(1.98%) women were diagnosed with uterine anomalies and 1529 (98%)women had normal uterus. In the study population, of the 555 (35.57%) primigravida who underwent Caesarean section, 20 (64.51%) women were diagnosed with uterine anomalies and out of 1005 (64.42%) multigravida 11 (35.48%) women were diagnosed with uterine anomalies.17 (54.8%) out of 31 women diagnosed with uterine anomalies belonged to the age group of 25-30 years. In the study population most common uterine anomaly identified is bicornuate uterus (45.16%) and next common is arcuate uterus (32.25%).In the study group most women with uterine anomaly had breech presentation (77.41%) and next common was vertex presentation (32.25 %). Conclusions: Prevalence of Congenital uterine anomalies in the study population is 1.98% and prevalence of uterine anomalies with abnormal presentation is 11%.