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Scholars Journal of Dental Sciences | Volume-7 | Issue-12
Antimicrobial Efficacy of Chlorhexidine and MTAD against Enterococcus Faecalis - An In Vitro Study
Dr. Pavan R. Diwanji, Dr. Deepali Kulkarni
Published: Dec. 19, 2020 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjds.2020.v07i12.002
Pages: 201-203
Aim of the study: To compare the antimicrobial efficacy of Chlorhexidine and MTAD against Enterococcus faecalis in dentinal tubules of human teeth. Materials and Method: Freshly extracted, single rooted tooth were immersed in 5.25% NaOCl to remove surface soft tissue and organic debris. The teeth were horizontally sectioned into coronal, middle and apical sections. The 5 mm middle segment was used for the study. The segments were placed in brain-heart infusion broth containing a culture of E.faecalis. The root specimens were randomly divided into 3 groups. To test for bacterial survival, dentinal shavings from within the canal were collected using round bur on a piece of sterile aluminium foil. The mean CFU/mg and standard deviation value were calculated. Results: The antibacterial property of MTAD against E. faecalis was superior compared to that of Chlorhexidine.