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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-8 | Issue-12
Phytochemical Analysis of Andrographis Paniculata and Catharanthus Rosea from Korba District, Chhattisgarh, India
Rajeshwari Prabha Lahare, Anil Kumar Dashahre, Yogesh Kumar Bisen, Hari Shankar Yadav
Published: Dec. 29, 2020 | 251 362
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2020.v08i12.003
Pages: 423-418
Andrographis paniculata and Catharanthus rosea are important ethno medicinal plant rich in bioactive compounds used in traditional Asian medicine for centuries. The plants contain rich source of bioactive compound having broad range of medicinal properties like antibacterial, antioxidant, anti-cancerous, anti-mutagenic, antifungal, anti- diabetic and antiviral activities. In the present study chloroform, methanol, petroleum ether and aqueous extracts were used for phytochemical test, TLC profiling, spectral analysis and antioxidant activity from leaf, stem and root parts of plants. Phytochemical analysis showed the presence of tannins, saponin, flavonoid, alkaloid, terpenoid, steroids, cardiac glycosides, quinones and gums in both plants. Methanol extract was used for TLC analysis for further identification of phytoconstituents in which we found maximum 5 bands in Andrographis paniculata with rf value (0.14 to 1.0) and Catharanthus rosea with rf value (0.22 to 1.0). Spectral analysis showed peak values for bioactive molecules. Highest antioxidant activity was found in aqueous and methanol extract which might be due to the presence of flavonoid and phenolic contents in both plants. This study should be beneficial for further characterization of bioactive compounds and identification of pharmaceutical lead compound.