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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-2 | Issue-04
The Dilemma of Management of Prosthetic Mitral Valve Thrombosis: All Need Surgery?
Haiyong Wang, Tianci Qian, Zhenzong Du, Jianfei Song, Fugui Ruan, Xiaolin Sun, Jiangbin Sun
Published: July 30, 2016 | 110 79
DOI: 10.36347/sasjs
Pages: 128-132
The objective of this study is to investigate the diagnosis and treatment of prosthetic mitral valve thrombosis complicated with dysfunction, so as to deepen our knowledge on management of mechanical prosthetic valve thrombosis. The clinical data of 7 patients with prosthetic mitral valve thrombosis complicated with dysfunction were retrospectively analyzed, and the relevant literatures were reviewed. Re-operation (mechanical prosthetic valve replacement) was performed in 2 patients. Four patients were gave warfarin which increase INR to 2.5-3.0. One patient died of multi- organ failure and sepsis after intubation due to low cardiac output syndrome. Six patients recovered well; the cardiac function was obviously improved; and there were no early complications. Prosthetic mitral valve thrombosis should be strongly suspected when they have symptoms indicating valvular obstruction. A complication of prosthetic mitral valve thrombosis is not difficult to diagnose, and favourable management is important to save the life of urgent patients.