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Scholars Journal of Dental Sciences | Volume-8 | Issue-01
Estimating the Prevalance of Facial Asymmetry in the South Indian Population
Mary Sheloni Missier, Dr. Ashwin Mathew George
Published: Jan. 5, 2021 | 196 538
DOI: 10.36347/sjds.2021.v08i01.003
Pages: 14-18
Face is the part of the body where a no of emotions of humans are being expressed. It is said that the right side and the left side of the face are not similar. All humans have mild facial asymmetry which is natural and do not require any treatment whereas severe asymmetry required the assistance of orthodontic and surgent to encounter their problem. There are various diagnostic methods to diagnose facial asymmetry some of the diagnostic method of clinical examination, extraoral photographs, various radiographs such as PA ceph, temporomandibular, submento vertex radiographs some of the other supplemental diagnostic aids. It helps us in the diagnoses of facial asymmetry but these require additional cost, setup therefore in this study we demonstrate a simpler method for diagnoses of asymmetry using frontal photograph to analyse the soft tissue facial asymmetry among south Indian population. This study was done with the extraoral frontal photograph of 50 subjects of age group 15 to 30 years of age. The face was divided into lateral, median and middle part and measured with vernier caliper and statistically analysed by independent t test. The results were tabulated and it was found that the right side of the face is not symmetrical to the left side of the face.