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Scholars Journal of Medical Case Reports | Volume-9 | Issue-01
A Rare Case of Bacterial Dermohypodermitis Associated with Pregnancy Un Cas Rare De Dermohypodermite Bactérienne Associée A La Grossesse
Meriem Serraj Andaloussi, Oumeyma Baroud, Majda Achbbak, A. Aiassi, Amine Lamrissi, Karima Fichtali, Said Bouhya, I .Moussaid, S .El youssoufi, S.Salmi
Published: Jan. 28, 2021 | 203 207
DOI: 10.36347/sjmcr.2021.v09i01.021
Pages: 77-79
Bacterial dermohypoderma are serious infections during pregnancy. They can put into play the maternal-fetal prognosis.The essential point is to know how to differentiate an acute non-necrotizing bacterial dermohypoderma (erysipelas), which is a frequent disease and generally evolving favorably, from an acute necosing bacterial dermohypoderma, a rare pathology but an absolute medical-surgical emergency.Necrotizing fasciitis is a medico-surgical emergency, requiring urgent resuscitation and plastic surgery advice. Treatment has several components: treatment of shock, antibiotics, early surgical treatment determining the prognosis and effective anticoagulation due to a high risk of thromboembolism. We report a rare case of necrotizing bacterial dermohypoderma in a pregnancy which was presumed at 8 months complicated by in-utero fetal death followed by maternal death.