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Scholars Journal of Dental Sciences | Volume-8 | Issue-01
Challenging Orthodontic Treatment for a Patient with an Impacted Maxillary Canine: A Case Report
Elyes Hassouna, Saadi Nada, Dallel Ines, Tobji Samir, Ben Amor Adel
Published: Jan. 30, 2021 | 212 178
DOI: 10.36347/sjds.2021.v08i01.010
Pages: 63-70
The clinical case described in this article represents a case of a 22 years old patient with impacted canine complicated by transversal alveolar deficit, an anterior open bite with a tendency to skeletal Class III and concave profile. This case was treated in the orthodontic department at the Monastir Dental Clinic. The delicate management of space constituted the major difficulty of this case, as the patient had a big crowding and a high risk profile eliminating any extraction option to create the space needed. This malocclusion led to severe consequences on both esthetic but most importantly functional levels. Close collaboration between orthodontist, parodontologist and occlusodontist was necessary in order to successfully handle this case and it had significantly improved the life quality of this patient.