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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-8 | Issue-02
Morphometric Studies of Epididymis and Morphological Changes of the Spermatozoa at Different Regions of the Epididymis of the Indigenous Bulls of Sri Lanka
Piratheepan S, D.M.S.Munasinghe
Published: Feb. 5, 2021 | 164 103
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2021.v08i02.002
Pages: 10-14
Epididymides were collected from five mature healthy indigenous bulls and transported to the laboratory on ice. Sections were taken from six different regions, two from each head, body and tail of the epididymis. The histology slides prepared were stained. The volume densities of the epididymal duct, ductular lumen, epithelium, and the intestitium were measured. The tubular and lumen diameters and epithelial and stereocilial heights were also measured. The epididymal fluid was also collected from the same six regions and stained. Sperms were counted. There was a gradual reduction in sperms with proximal cytoplasmic droplets as go along the head (72.2%), body (16.9%), and tail (2.2%) region. The number of abnormal sperms was reduced from head to tail. Four types of cells; principal, apical, basal and halo cells, were observed in the epithelium. The commonest cell type found was principal cells. The halo cells were the least common cell type. The volume density of epididymal duct was high in head and tail region. The epithelial volume density decreased from head to tail region and the opposite was observed for luminal volume density. The tubular diameter found to be similar in all six regions except proximal tail which had the highest diameter (5.9 mm). The decrease of the epithelial height from head to tail direction contributed for the increase of the luminal diameter in the same direction. The height of stereocilia was found low in the distal head (1.2mm) and distal tail (1.4mm) region compare to the rest of the regions.