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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-9 | Issue-02
Establishing Glaucoma Clinic: Essential or Nonessential For General Hospital
Dr. Shyam Kumar Gupta, Dr. Praveen Malik, Dr. Bhaskar Agarwal
Published: Feb. 6, 2021 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2021.v09i02.001
Pages: 22-24
Introduction: Since India is a developing country, our health infrastructure is not well standardised at every hospital. Some hospitals are providing all documentation and special care to glaucoma patients by establishing Glaucoma Clinics (GC), but unfortunately their numbers are very less in our country. So we want to study the beneficial impact of GC in glaucoma patient treatment. Material and methods: All those patients’ records who are diagnosed as glaucoma and being treated for the same in glaucoma clinic or in routine OPD for a minimum period of 2 years are analyzed in the study. Results: 1298 patients from glaucoma clinic and 710 patients from routine OPD fulfilled the inclusion criteria of the study. Out of these 710 OPD patients 143 patients (20.1%) did not have glaucoma based on evaluation in our glaucoma clinic. 1268 (97.7%) glaucoma clinic patient out of 1298 have achieved the target IOP, whereas 489 (86.2%) OPD patients out of total 567 which is statically significant P valve <0.0001. Glaucoma progression was 1% in Glaucoma Clinic group in compression to 13% in OPD group which is statically insignificant p valve 0.028. Discussion: A good adherence and persistency to the treatment is necessary but cost, misbelieve, non communication between doctor and patients are major obstruction. By establishing G C better information, communication and education can be given that’s the reason of higher follow up compliance and adherence than OPD patients and previous studies. Conclusion: Glaucoma is a sight threatening disease and the number of such patient is increasing day by day. So to negotiate the upcoming health threat we should surely focus on establishing the specialized glaucoma clinics.