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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-7 | Issue-02
A Clinical Cross Sectional Study of Benign Breast Diseases
Dr. Sapna T
Published: Feb. 19, 2021 |
DOI: 10.36347/sasjs.2021.v07i02.014
Pages: 86-88
Benign (non-cancerous) breast conditions are unusual growths or other changes involving the breast tissue that cannot be labelled as cancer. Benign breast condition can be confusing and anxiety prone initially as the symptoms routinely masquerade signs and symptoms of breast cancer. There may be a palpable lump or visible discharge from nipple or the mammogram findings may necessitate further testing to arrive at a diagnosis. About 25 cases labelled as breast diseases of benign nature were selected. Detailed history of all the fifty cases was taken according to the proforma. Information regarding age, religion, socio- economic status, nature of symptoms, duration, menstrual status, marital status, breast-feeding were taken. History regarding to the usage of oral contraceptive pills, built and nourishment, habits were also noted. Family history regarding any breast conditions was obtained. A number of breast conditions which are benign in nature usually mimic breast cancer on exam, imaging studies, and in some cases even under the microscope. Sometimes, people are very scary and fearful of missing A BREAST cancer, but even more psychologically dreadfull is the prospect of mistaken thought process that a lump in breast or change in size is cancer when it is not.