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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-8 | Issue-02
Study of Air-Spora over the Groundnut Fields in Nashik District of Maharashtra, India
Malati H. Aher
Published: Feb. 21, 2021 | 156 109
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2021.v08i02.003
Pages: 15-19
Air contains number of different particles suspended in it. Fungal spores, pollen grains, viruses, bacteria, dust particles, insect parts etc. The Present aerobiological investigation was carried out at Nashik District by using a device Tilak Air sampler. Continuous air monitoring operation was done for 97 days during the months of June, July, August and September of Kharif Season during the year 2013. Airborne catches trapped over the groundnut (Arachis hypogea L.) field includes 45 fungal spores, hyphal fragments, insect parts, pollen grains etc. the article defines the definite correlation between the air borne microorganisms, meteorological parameters, growth stages of the crop plants and their impact in bringing about the disease incidence to the ground nut crop plants. A volumetric Tilak Air Sampler was used to trap airborne biological components, which incidentally provided continuous quantitative and qualitative data. Present investigation also mainly aimed to study the population of fungal morphotypes prevailing in the ambient air over the groundnut fields in one Kharif Crop season.