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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-10 | Issue-02
Design and Development of Oral Reconstituable System of Dry Syrup Containing Ciprofloxacin
Doifode RA, Ghogare JD, Pratapwar AS, Panchal PP, Jadhao UT
Published: Feb. 27, 2021 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajp.2021.v10i02.001
Pages: 28-35
Ciprofloxacin is a broad spectrum antibiotic, active against both gram positive and gram negative bacteria. This drug is a highly bitter in taste. The present investigation was undertaken with an overall objective of studying the drug resin complexation (DRC) to mask the bitter taste of the drugs. Indion 234 and drug, ciprofloxacin were selected for the study of feasibility of employing drug resin complexation for masking the bitter taste of drug. FTIR studies indicated that there would be a possibility of chemical modification in the DRC without any changes in basic nucleus of the drug. Taste evolution of ion exchange in healthy human volunteers confirmed that the taste of Ciprofloxacin was successfully masked by ion exchange with (DRC) 1:3 ratios. Prepared batches of dry syrup was evaluated for drug content, taste of the dry syrup after reconstitution, pH of the syrup, sedimentation volume, specific gravity and dissolution characteristics. The dissolution of the drug from the reconstituted syrup follows first order kinetics. Among all the formulations F8 was found to be better formulation ciprofloxacin because of high dissolution rate and taste masking.