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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-2 | Issue-02
A Study of Surgical Management of Incisional Hernia
Dr. Sayyad Jahangir Gulab, Dr. N.V Mohan
Published: April 30, 2016 | 184 118
DOI: 10.36347/sasjs
Pages: 68-71
Background: Incisional hernia a common surgical problem, and uncommon sequel of surgical intervention. It occurs as a result of excessive tension and inadequate healing of previous incision, which is often associated with surgical site infection. The main aim of the study was to identify the etiological factor to highlight the strategies for prevention of incisional hernias, to find the best management procedures for the incisional hernias. Materials and Methods: This is a prospective and descriptive study done in Department of General Surgery, Tertiary care teaching hospital over a period of 6 months after obtaining the institutional ethics committee approval on 60 patients. Results: Out of 60 patients, 43 patients (71.6%) were found to have hernial defect more than 3cm and 16 (26.6%) patients have the defect 3cm or less than 3cm. Size of defect dictated the type of repair (suture repair/mesh repair) in present study. Forty-four (73.3%) patients had lower midline incision while 13 (21.6%) patients had upper midline incision. Paramedian, transverse and McBurney’s incision was used in 1 (1.6%) of patients. Conclusion: Proper pre-operative preparation, choice of surgery for repair, aseptic technique, and careful closure of the abdominal wound decreases the incidence of incisional hernia. The use of synthetic prosthetic material provides the tension free repair and rate of recurrence. Good pre-and postoperative antibiotics and wound care is essential mesh repair is the almost the gold standard for the incisional hernias.