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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-3 | Issue-01
Pattern of Gleason Grade and Score in Prostate Cancer Histology- A Four (4) Year Review
Elijah A. Udoh, Emmanuel K. Abudu
Published: Jan. 30, 2017 |
DOI: 10.36347/sasjs
Pages: 1-6
Prostate cancer is the commonest cancer of the urogenital origin in males. It affects mostly elderly men.
Definitive diagnosis is usually made by examination of prostate biopsy specimen and grading of the cellular architecture
as proposed by Dr. Gleason among others. The grading system bears a strong relationship with prognosis. This was a
retrospective study of 148 histology reports of prostate cancer specimens in our facility from January 2012 to December
2015 (4 year period) using biopsy needle. It was aimed at studying the pattern of histologic characteristics of prostate
cancer and to find out its relationship with age. The result showed that the highest number of tumours was in the 7th
decade with moderately differentiated tumours topping the list. Tumour grade 3 remains the commonest. There was no
significant statistical association between histologic characteristics and age of the patients. Early diagnosis should be
anticipated as high grade tumours have bad prognosis.