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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-9 | Issue-03
A Prospective, Randomised, Observational Study for an Evaluation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) in Post-Tubercular (Post-TB) Versus Non-Tubercular (Non-TB) Patients at Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital in Rajasthan
Aamir Shokat, Shokat Ali Bohra, Mahendra Kumar Bainara, Tarun Parashar
Published: March 3, 2021 | 311 195
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2021.v09i03.001
Pages: 299-305
Background: Post tuberculosis airway impairment has emerged as a distinct clinical entity, which is almost indistinguishable from other forms. India is in second place for harbouring the greatest number of morbidity and mortality cases from obstructive airway disease however there is paucity of studies on TB-associated COPD compared with its other varieties. Materials and Method: This prospective, randomised, observational study was carried out in 130 patients of Post-Tuberculosis (Cases) against 52 patients of Non-Tubercular COPD (Controls) admitted at tertiary care TB and Chest Hospital in Rajasthan during same period for comparisons in terms of Degree of Airflow Obstruction (FEV1%), Exercise capacity (6min. walk distance) and BODE index. Results: Mean FEV1% in Post-Tubercular COPD group was significantly lower 43.88 (SD=15.45) against in Non-Tubercular COPD 51.07(SD=14.28) (P<0.05). The mean 6MWD in Post-Tubercular COPD group was significantly lower 276.34 (SD=106.48) against in Non-Tubercular COPD group 308.26 (SD=67.31) (P<0.05). Distribution of patients according to BODE Index in Quartile-1 more patients were from Non-tubercular COPD (30.8%) as compared to Post-Tubercular COPD (11.5%), while in Quartile-4 more patients were from Post-tubercular COPD (25%) against Non-Tubercular COPD (7.7%). (p <0.05). Conclusion: Prior history of TB has an important role in the development of COPD and negatively impacts the long-term course of COPD, so early diagnosis of COPD in post tubercular patients is necessary to prevent further complications.