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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-9 | Issue-03
Characterization of Kidney Disease in Adults' Patients Using Ultrasonography
Abdulrahman M. B. Arbab, Shima I. Ali, M.A.H. Rushdi, M. E. M. Gar-Elnabi
Published: March 8, 2021 | 281 198
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2021.v09i03.015
Pages: 372-377
The aim of this study to characterization of kidney disease in adults' patients using ultrasonography, the data of this study was collected from 200 adults' patients both gender suffering from renal disorders and referred to ultrasound department in east coast kalba hospital – Sharjah province United Arab Emirates in period from December 2017 up to July 2018. Classification score matrix generated by linear discriminate analysis and the overall classification accuracy of renal disorders 95.4%, were the classification accuracy of normal 98.6%, HT 94%, and MHT 93.8%, while the DM showed a classification accuracy of 92.9%. Figure 1. Error bar plot shows the BMI of normal patients, hypertensive, mild hypertensive and diabetic patient’s. The BMI is low in normal patients while it is high in hypertensive and diabetic patients and moderate in mild hypertensive patients. A diagram shows the depth of the left kidney in normal patients, hypertensive, mild hypertensive and diabetic patients. The depth is medium in normal patients, while it is smaller in hypertensive patients; the depth is bigger in mild hypertensive patients and little less in diabetic patients. The end diastolic velocity of the right kidney in normal patients, hypertensive, mild hypertensive and diabetic patients. In normal patients the end diastolic is low, but lower in mild hypertensive patients; in diabetic patients it is higher than in .mild hypertensive patients, but less high than in hypertensive patients. It is very low in normal patients, high in hypertensive and mild hypertensive patients and little less in diabetic patients.