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SAS Journal of Medicine | Volume-7 | Issue-03
Knowledge about Factors Associated with Cervical Cancer in Women: A Cross Sectional Study, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Dr. Taslima Nigar, Md. Monirul Hassan
Published: March 21, 2021 |
DOI: 10.36347/sasjm.2021.v07i03.002
Pages: 67-72
Introduction: Cervical cancer is one of the major NCDs around the world and is the second leading malignancy in terms of mortality and incident cases in Bangladesh. The high mortality rate was associated with a lack of awareness regarding cervical cancer. The study was conducted to find out the awareness levels of cervical cancer, its symptoms, risk factors, detection methods, and barriers faced in screening. The aim of the study was to assess knowledge on factors associated with Cervical Cancer in women in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted over a 4-month time period with a sample size of 100. The study was conducted with only female subjects in Dhaka city, among the patients coming to the Genealogical Department of the NICRH. Result: Maximum patients were above 45 years in age. 60% of the patients had no proper education. The majority of the patients were using birth control pills, and only 30 never used any OCP. 60% of patients were aware of cervical cancer, 40 were unaware. 84 of the patients were passive smokers. More than half of the patients had no knowledge of symptoms of cervical cancer. In regards to risk factors of cervical cancer, 70% were not sure if HPV infection was a risk factor for cervical cancer. Conclusion: The study showed surprisingly little knowledge of cervical cancer, its symptoms, risk factors, and screening methods. Awareness was positively related to education level.