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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-9 | Issue-03
Post-Operative Associated Ocular Status after Cataract Surgery with CTR in Patients with Zonular Dehiscence
Ahmed AHMK, Nesa Z
Published: March 23, 2021 | 209 153
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2021.v09i03.030
Pages: 445-449
Introduction: Surgical management of subluxated cataract presents a challenge to anterior segment surgeons. With recent advances in equipment and instrumentation, better surgical techniques and understanding of fluid dynamics, the surgeon is able to perform relatively safe cataract surgery in the presence of compromised zonules. The CTR could preserve the integrity of the capsular bag, provide the necessary capsular space while giving counter-traction, reduce asymmetric capsular forces, stabilize the vitreous base, facilitate phacoemulsification, aspiration of cortex and IOL implantation, prevent the postoperative IOL decent ration and allow a quicker visual recovery. Aim of the study: To assess the post-operative associated ocular status after cataract surgery with CTR in patients with zonular dehiscence. Material & Methods: This prospective observational study was conducted at the department of cataract, National Institute of Ophthalmology & Hospital, Dhaka, during the period of July 2009-December 2009 on cataract patients with zonular dehiscence less than 1800. In this study, 30 cases were included according to the exclusion and inclusion criteria. Sampling technique was non-randomized and purposive. Study patients were explained in details about the disease process, benefits of evaluation, methods and risks of evaluation techniques and then written consent will be taken before conducting the study maintaining the principles of Helsinki declaration. Results: Among 30 patients, age below 40 years was in 14 (46.67%) cases and age ≥ 40 years was in 16 (53.33%). Mean age was 39.50 ± 11.59 (SD) years. Twenty (20) (66.67%) were male and 10 (33.33%) were female. Out of 30 cases, 06 (20%) cases developed corneal oedema which was relieved with treatment; 03 (10%) cases developed mild uveitis which was treated medically with success; 03 (10%) cases developed secondary glaucoma medically managed; 01(3.33%) case developed retinal detachment managed well with external buckli