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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-8 | Issue-03
Assessment of Dietary Pattern for Medical Students in Benghazi University in Libya
Zahzahan A. Alsaeti, Safa Abdul Salam, Shrook Omer, Marwa Alfarsi Muna Abdul Salam
Published: March 30, 2021 | 142 107
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2021.v08i03.001
Pages: 33-41
Background: We assessed the dietary pattern of undergraduate medical students. Were transition of students to college may increase the opportunity for them to choose the type and the amount of food, because the collage a new society and find less food time during study, may results in a good or bad choice of food. If students are unaware of the nutritional needs to maintain a healthy body weight, this can cause under or over weight and other health problems. Methods: The study applied a cross-sectional, descriptive study design, sample size of 455 male and female students their ages (19-30), from four medical faculties including Medical, Dental, public health, pharmacy, and medical technology of Benghazi University in Libya, data were collected using a self-completed questionnaire, the height and weight were recorded, BMI and energy requirements was calculated accordingly. Results: The study presented the majority of students participating from various medical specialties, in fourth year of medical & public health collage, and their ages between 19-30 years and gender is 51% female and 49% male. The body mass index of 68.4% of students between 18.5-24.9 (normal), 22.9% had 25-29.9 (over weight) & 5% of students were 30 or more (obese), while 3.7% was BMI less than 18.5 (underweight). The Correlation between BMI and gender among medical students (N=455) were significantly associated 36% n163 of females & 33% n 148 of males were preferred to normal BMI (P=0.014). 61.3% of college students were sedentary physical activity. Gender were found to be significantly associated with physical activity level, sedentary & moderate active of physical activity more frequent in Females, 32.5% & 15.6% respectively, but extreme activity more in male n 27 (5.9%) compared by female n12 (2.6 %) (P= 0.032). 80% of students were F & V consumptions in less than 5 servings a day. BMI was not showed significantly associated with F & V consumption (p= 0.772). also their ................