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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-10 | Issue-04
A Mini Review - Pharmaceutical Creams
Sameeha Khare, Shalaka Abhyankar, Ashwin Kuchekar, Ashwini Gawade
Published: April 2, 2021 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajp.2021.v10i04.001
Pages: 60-62
Creams are pharmaceutical products that are widely used to treat a variety of skin conditions. Creams were traditionally made by combining two or more ingredients with water as the solvent. Newer methods for cream formulation are being used as technology advances. The public and society can safely use these semi-solid preparations. They have a wide range of functions. The origin, lifestyle, age, and state of health are all reflected in the skin. Colour, tone, and evenness of the skin, as well as pigmentation and skin surface characteristics, are all indicators of skin health. Skin care products are widely available and play an important role in health and nursing care. The emphasis on skin care is shifting as people get older. Soothing, restoring, and reinforcing become more important, and cleansing should be done with caution. As people get older, their skin's structure and function change, making them more vulnerable to a variety of clinically relevant skin problems.