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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-3 | Issue-03
Role of Ultrasonography in the management of acute non- traumatic pain abdomen in a remote sub-divisional hospital
Partha Pratim Das, Niladri Sen, Siladitya Basu
Published: March 30, 2017 |
DOI: 10.36347/sasjs
Pages: 79-81
Ultrasonography plays a key role in the management of acute non-traumatic pain abdomen. In a remote subdivisional setup X-ray and Ultrasonography are the only investigations that we have in our hand. As a result we have to
depend on Ultrasonography in the management of acute non-traumatic pain abdomen to a great extent. This retrospective
study was planned to observe how much Ultrasonography really helps us in the management, what are the restrains hat
we have and how those restrains could be overcome. The study based on randomly selected Ultrasonography reports of
the indoor patients of acute non-traumatic pain abdomen admitted in the last one year. Analysis of those reports shows
that Ultrasonography is definitely helpful but it is overused due to various reasons. We can still improve its quality by
judicious and more specific use of Ultrasonography in this remote setup, where no other superior modern investigation is
available to get more specific diagnosis.