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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-9 | Issue-05
A Reflection on the Role of Communal Resource Mobilization on Project Performance for Rural Development, Evidence from Kalungu District
Babirye Grace Nabulime, Byabashaija Deusdedit, Issa Ndungo
Published: May 8, 2021 | 289 193
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2021.v09i05.001
Pages: 138-143
The study was conducted to establish the relationship between communal resource mobilization and rural development in Kalungu district. It adopted a case study research design which was both quantitative and qualitative to describe data and its characteristics: 332 respondents were selected for research using simple random sampling and purposive sampling techniques. Close ended questionnaires were further used to harvest information from respondents and data was analyzed using frequencies, percentages, bar graphs (SPSS) and Pearson linear correlation coefficient. The study found out that the triumph or failure of any development project depended largely on the rate at which the community was involved thus understanding techniques through which community participation can spearhead rural development is essential both for scholars and rural development practitioners. The study recommended government and all rural development practitioners to embrace communal resource mobilization as an effective community participation strategy. Conclusively, the purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the working community participation strategies for rural development.