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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-3 | Issue-05
Study of Acute Intestinal Obstruction-Conservative Vs Operative Management
Bijendra Sinh Rana, Sagar Ghodasara, Mayank Vekariya, Hitesh Meghani
Published: May 30, 2017 |
DOI: 10.36347/sasjs
Pages: 141-143
This study is needed because intestinal obstruction is frequently encountered problem in general surgery and is
associated with considerable morbidity and mortality. A better understanding of the pathophysiology of bowel
obstruction and the use of isotonic fluid resuscitation, intestine tube decompression, and antibiotics has greatly reduced
the mortality rate for patients with a mechanical bowel obstruction. However, patients with a bowel obstruction still
represent some of the most difficult and vexing problems that surgeons face with regard to correct diagnosis, optimal
timing of therapy, and appropriate treatment. Patients suffering from this condition require careful evaluation and
management. There is need to evaluate strategies for operative and non-operative management of intestinal Obstruction.
53% of total was conservative cases having pain, vomiting and distension less severity compared to 47% of total
operated cases. Out of all cases, adhesions cases were 24%. The average hospital stay of conservative cases was 5 days
and that of operative was 14 days. The cases with conservative treatment showed improvement within 72 hrs. Many
studies and review article published on this topic. Different studies shown the same result that is, adhesions being most
common etiological factor should be treated conservatively first as in our study. Out of all adhesions cases, 79% rate
reported showed that appendicectomies and colorectal resections were responsible for 43% of cases.