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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-9 | Issue-05
The Effect of Spirituality on Adjustment to Chronic Breast Cancer: Case Study
Reza Pourhosein, Aida Farsham
Published: May 18, 2021 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2021.v09i05.005
Pages: 175-178
Introduction: As a chronic disease, breast cancer may reduce the resilience of the patient and cause a lot of bitterness to and make her lose hope in life. These patients need to cope with the chronic illness to continue their life calmly. One of the factors that cause compatibility is spirituality. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of religious belief and spirituality on the effective compatibility of chronic breast cancer patients. Presentation Case: The subject is a 54 - year - old Muslim, married and has two children, diagnosed with breast cancer disease from the progressive type that has been undergoing surgery, radiotherapy and also chemotherapy. This woman has religious beliefs, scrupulously does religious practices and rites. Spirituality and worship are an important part of her life. Conclusion: This study was conducted with a phenomenological approach and using in-depth and semi-structured interview. The results of this study emphasize that religious belief and spirituality have managed to keep the patient’s positive outlook on life. It was found that spirituality has led to the awareness of illness without experiencing stress. Spirituality has increased the patience and endurance of the patient to face cancer difficulties. Therefore, teaching spirituality and correcting negative attitudes toward life in chronic patients provides them with compatibility to continue their life.