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Ghana Alternative Medicine Journal | Volume-2 | Issue-01
Naturopathic Doctors Qualitative Study of Prayer in Ghana: How much do we know?
Prof. Raphael Nyarkotey Obu, Lawrencia Aggrey –Bluwey
Published: March 30, 2021 | 164 132
Pages: Page: 17-20
Background: Spirituality is paramount in the life of the Ghanaian patient seeking for healing. Most of them end up in the Prayer camps seeking the face of God. Today, there are many Naturopathic practitioners in Ghana who have incorporated prayer activities in their services. Majority of these practitioners are also Pastors. We intend to examine the role of prayer in Naturopathic Profession, using Ghana as a case model. Objectives: This study evaluates the qualitative aspect of the efficacy of prayer as a form of Naturopathic protocol incorporated by practitioners of naturopathy in their healthcare delivery. Methods: This is a qualitative study which incorporated a drafted open-ended questionnaire sent via WhatsApp to thirty (30) Naturopathic practitioners with pastoral backgrounds who are members of the Ghana Association of Naturopathic Physicians (GANP) in their various Naturopathic facilities with pastoral services. Results: Naturopathic practitioners opined that, patients seek the services of prayer from their centers as a complementary therapy, as part of their therapeutic order protocol. Others also explained that patients also seek the services of prayer as a standard treatment for their medical conditions. Conclusion: We observed that, effective prayer plays an integral role in the healing process of the sick patient. Prayer is often used by practitioners of Naturopathy as a complementary therapy and not as standard treatment therapy.