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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-7 | Issue-06
Malrotation with Midgut Volvulus with Mesenteric Cyst - A Rare Association
Dr. Krushnakumar Kesan, Dr. Pratik Raut
Published: June 3, 2021 |
DOI: 10.36347/sasjs.2021.v07i06.001
Pages: 264-266
Incomplete intestinal fixation or malrotation of gut with midgut volvulus is one of the important causes of bilious vomiting in neonates. The incidence of malrotation of gut in population is 4% [1]. Mesenteric and omental cysts are rare; the incidence is approximately 1 per 105,000 admissions to general hospitals and 1 per 20,000 admissions to pediatric hospitals. These cysts are reportedly more common in females than in males and in white persons than in nonwhite persons. The present case refers to a 2month old male child who presented with bilious vomiting and abdominal distention. After doing ultrasonography abdomen, the patient underwent exploratory laparotomy with Ladd’s procedure and excision of Mesenteric cyst.