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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-7 | Issue-06
Outcome and Evaluation of Mastectomy with Axillary Dissection in Stage-II Breast Cancer: Tertiary Level Multicentered Study in Rajshahi, Bangladesh
Dr. Istiak Ahmed, Professor Dr. Md. Baharul Islam, Dr. Rupsha Nura Laila, Dr. Md. Munzur Rahman
Published: June 4, 2021 |
DOI: 10.36347/sasjs.2021.v07i06.002
Pages: 267-274
Background: The purpose of this study was to Outcome Evaluation of Mastectomy with Axillary Dissection in Stage-II Breast Cancer. And satisfaction in patients who have undergone mastectomy. An Experimental study was conducted from December 2018 to Nov 2020 at Rajshahi Medical College Hospital. Total 556 patients, Breast conservation (partial mastectomy, axillary node dissection or sampling, and radiotherapy) is the current standard of care for eligible patients with Stages I and II breast cancer. Methods: A 2-year prospective analysis of the experience with breast reconstruction following Mastectomy with Axillary Dissection in Stage-II Breast Cancer was performed. Timing, quite mastectomy and reconstruction, complications, and cancer occurrence/recurrence were examined. Patients reported their level of satisfaction and willingness to undergo the procedure again. Outcomes of Mastectomy were graded by an independent and blinded group of surgeons. Results: Outcome of Mastectomy with Axillary Dissection in Stage-II Breast Cancer performed in 556patients following mastectomy. With a mean follow-up of 24 months, there were three breast-site complications in this group (3 percent). Patients in the study had a unilateral mastectomy; on the contralateral side with cancer, there were five breast-site complications in reconstructions following therapeutic mastectomy, patients 266 (48%) had the early-stage disease (0, I, II) at diagnosis. With 24 months median follow-up, complete control of axillary recurrence was achieved in 395 patients (71%). Distant metastases developed in 278 (50%) and were more likely with uncontrolled axillary recurrences. Failure to receive multimodality therapy and failure to undergo surgery for the recurrence correlated with resistant axillary disease. Conclusions: Mastectomy was as safe as or more. Safe than that following therapeutic mastectomy, which has been shown in other studies to end in a high percentage of patient satisfaction. Although .....