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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-9 | Issue-06
Clinicopathological Study of Locally Recurrent Breast Carcinoma with Special Reference to Resectability
Dr. Bikramjit Das, Dr. Souvik Basak, Prof. (Dr.) Kashinath Das
Published: June 6, 2021 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2021.v09i06.007
Pages: 805-813
The isolated local recurrence in a patient previously treated for early-stage invasive breast cancer presents a unique challenge to the oncologist. The main objectives of this study were to identify breast carcinoma patients who are prone to develop early recurrence, to study the feasibility of resection in case of locally recurrent breast carcinoma and determine the incidence of distant metastasis associated with locally recurrent breast carcinoma. The parameters namely age, previous clinical TNM staging, previous Histological grade, lymphovascular invasion, previous types of surgery, previous immunohistochemistry and previous chemoradiotherapy had shown very strong positive significance. There was significant association between previous findings of IHC and present findings of IHC (p=0.0087) but there was no significant association between clinical stage and resectability (p=0.95), between status of LVI and resectability (p=0.71) and between Histopathological Grade and resectability (p=0.43). Local recurrences after primary resection are seen to be mostly resectable with negative margin; however, whether it results in survival benefit can be studied in long term study.