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SAS Journal of Medicine | Volume-7 | Issue-06
Malignant Degeneration of an Osteogenic Exostosis in Multiple Exostatic Disease (About a Case)
Hayat Bakali, Hind Arbouni, Yassine Harmoumi, Dalal Laoudiyi, Kamilia Chbani, Siham Salam, Lahcen Ou
Published: June 12, 2021 | 219 132
DOI: 10.36347/sasjm.2021.v07i06.012
Pages: 276-279
Introduction: Osteochondroma, otherwise known as osteogenic exostosis, is a benign surface tumor; it develops from an enchondral ossification bone, which and in contact with the epiphysis. Its most dreadful complication is chondrosarcoma. The aim: of our observation is to report a rare and dreadful complication of osteochondroma. Observation: This is an 08 year old female patient, without any particular pathological history, who consulted for a painful swelling of the lower extremity of the left thigh with a chronic evolution. Conclusion: Once the diagnosis of exostosis is made, an annual radiological control is mandatory. Carcinological resection is mandatory as soon as malignant transformation is suspected.