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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-7 | Issue-06
Giant Scar Cyst of the Clitoris at Sikasso Hospital (Mali) About A Case
Diallo A, Traoré B, Diassana M, Coulibaly M B, Sacko M, Maïga A, BAH. A, Traoré A S, Koné A, Touré L, Traoré T, Traoré S, Dembélé O, Cissouma A, Konaté M, Kanté M, Togo. A
Published: June 12, 2021 | 244 401
DOI: 10.36347/sasjs.2021.v07i06.007
Pages: 286-288
Clitoral cyst remains a common pathology in our regions given the persistence of traditional female genital mutilation practices. Cyst forms in the bed of clitoris carried entirely by excision. In our case the consultation was motivated by the size of the cyst, psychological trauma, discomfort and gravity caused by the tumor. Our gesture consisted of surgical exeresis with attempt to restore little lips. The operating procedures were simple and the result was satisfactory. Through this case we want to highlight the complications of excision and the treatment of clitoral scar cyst.