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Scholars Journal of Dental Sciences | Volume-8 | Issue-05
Assess the Radiological Change of Post Extraction Socket after Using Beta Tricalcium Phosphate for Understanding of Bone Formation
Dr. Muhammad Mubashirul Haque, Dr. Mostafa Md. Anisuzzaman, Dr. Sajid Hasan, Dr. Nubad Adnan
Published: June 17, 2021 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjds.2021.v08i05.006
Pages: 153-159
Background: Bone healing is an important subject in various fields of dentistry such as prosthesis, implant, surgery, etc. Numerous studies and researches have been done on tooth socket healing process however, most of these studies are histological evaluations and less are radiographic studies. Aim: The aim the Study was the Radiological Change of Post Extraction Socket after Using Beta Tricalcium Phosphate for Understanding of Bone Formation. Methods: The experimental Study was conducted in the department of oral and maxillofacial of in Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University Hospital (BSMMU), Dhaka, Bangladesh to find out the common indications of Post Extraction Socket. 20 patients (Group-A) whose full veneer crown were prepared on Alloplastic bone substitute and another 20 patients (Group-B) whose were without alloplastic bone substitute. 40 cases were randomly selected for the study whose common indication of Radiological Change of Post Extraction Socket after Using Beta Tricalcium Phosphate. Clinical examination and evaluation were done from October 2010 to February 2011. Other necessary investigations were done if clinically indicated and to prepare the patient for anesthesia. Statistical analysis of the results was obtained by using window-based computer software devised with Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS-22). Results: Table shows the distribution of the age of the patients. Majority of the patients 22(55.0%) were of 18-25 years age group and another 15(37.5%) were at their 26-35 age group. Mean age of the patients was 25.97±4.99 years. Conclusion: Both QDSR and LRA methods can be used in evaluation of the rate of bone formation in the tooth socket but the former method is more accurate.