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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-9 | Issue-06
A Systematic Review of Hypertension and Stress - The Silent Killers
Wahied Khawar Balwan, Sachdeep Kour
Published: June 17, 2021 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2021.v09i06.002
Pages: 154-158
Hypertension (HTN) and stress are often referred to as the “silent killers”. The reason the condition is termed as 'silent killer' is because more than 30% of people who have high blood pressure are not even aware of it. Most of the times, there are very minor symptoms or no symptoms at all. Some of the signs you must look out for are difficulty in breathing, chest pain or heaviness, headaches, irregular heartbeat (palpitation), problems in vision, problems in urination. These 'small' indicators may harbor some consequences as damage of arteries and vital organs of the body which may further lead to life-threatening medical emergencies. Therefore, we must not only identify and control hypertension but also promote a healthy lifestyle and preventive strategies to decrease the prevalence of hypertension in the general population. Most of the time, high blood pressure (HBP, or HTN) may show no symptoms and puts the patient at an increased risk for heart disease, heart failure, stroke, etc. Though high blood pressure cannot be cured but it can be managed effectively through lifestyle changes and medication. A primary intent of this article is to educate readers about the risk factors associated with high blood pressure as well as to encourage them to follow a healthy lifestyle in order to reduce the chances of developing hypertension later in their lives. This article is designed to serve as a guide to help readers understand the relationship between high blood pressure and stress as well as to suggest various ways to maintain healthy blood pressure.