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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-3 | Issue-08
A Study of Liver Abscess, its Management and Associated Risk Factors
Shashi Prakash, I.S. Thakur
Published: Aug. 30, 2017 | 206 152
DOI: 10.36347/sasjs
Pages: 211-213
Liver abscess are infectious space occupying lesion in the liver, the two most common abscesses being amoebic and pyogenic liver abscess. This study was undertaken at Patna medical college and hospital during july 2016 to june 2017. This study was undertaken with particular care denoted to ascertaining management of liver abscess in department of surgery Patna medical college, clinical features and various investigations of liver abscess and associated risk factors. For the purpose of this study 52 patients of liver abscess were admitted from outpatient and surgical emergency. All 52 patients were taken for thorough clinical examination, routine investigations and investigations to confirm diagnosis and treatment. Conservative management with antibiotic alone done for abscess less than <100cc, USG guided percutaneous aspiration for abscess >100cc, Explorative laprotomy for intraabdominal ruptured liver abscess and tubethoracostomy for liver abscess ruptured in pleural space. During this study we concluded that, Liver abscess most commonly occurs between 31-40 years of life with male predominance and most common among those who consume local made alcohol. Most common presentation was abdominal tenderness followed by, fever. Right lobe was most commonly involved and alkalinephosphatase most commonly eleveted biochemically.