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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-9 | Issue-06
A Study on Prognostic Indicators of Severe Dengue Fever in Children
Dr. Karthikeyan. A, Dr. Sudhakar Hegade
Published: June 23, 2021 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2021.v09i06.032
Pages: 1013-1028
Dengue is the most important emerging tropical viral disease of humans and leading cause of death in SEAR after diarrhea and acute respiratory infections. It is a significant public health concern with its geographical distribution becoming worldwide, involving nearly all the tropical and subtropical regions of the world with significant morbidity and mortality. This study mainly aims at finding out the factors which were associated with severe dengue fever that helps determining the prognosis in children. This case control study was done during November 2017 to October 2018 from the children admitted in Pediatric ward, Vijayanagar institute of medical sciences, Ballari. Among the 201 study subjects, the factors like presence of bleeding manifestations(p˂0.001), low pulse pressue˂20 mmhg(p˂0.001), prolonged capillary refill time(p<0.001), low O2 saturation(p<0.001), Hyponatremia(p=0.008), elevated SGOT/SGPT levels(p<0.001), Prolonged PT/APTT/INR levels(p<0.001), respiratory and abdominal involvement in the form of pleural effusion, pneumonia and ascites(p<0.001) were significantly associated with severe dengue fever with mortality of 15%. Leucopenia, thrombocytopenia and raising hematocrit was not found to have significant association with the severity of dengue fever in this study. These parameters may be used to predict, to forecast disease severity in patients suspected of dengue infection and to manage it early in the course of the illness. Various measures for early diagnosis and prompt intervention with emphasis on the warning signs and good supportive care would help decrease the fatality and morbidity associated with Dengue.