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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-9 | Issue-06
Dengue and Japanese Encephalitis among Acute Febrile Encephalopathy Cases of Pediatric age Group Patients of Western Rajasthan
Laxmi Rathore, Dr. P. K. Khatri, Dr. Archana Bora, Dr. Saroj K Meena, Suneel Bhooshan
Published: June 29, 2021 | 214 178
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2021.v09i06.040
Pages: 1069-1071
Acute febrile encephalopathy is a term commonly used to identify the condition in which altered mental status either accompanies or follows short febrile illness. Japanese encephalitis (JE) and Dengue are arboviral diseases that are common in the tropical countries. Viruses of Flavirdae family are neurotropic like JE virus however; Dengue does not cause neurological diseases. One hundred five patients suspected AFE between age one month to 15 years were enrolled in the study. Out of them 32 (30.48%) cases showed evidence of viral etiologies by serological or molecular methods and in 73 (69.52) case no viral etiology was detected. Out of 32 patients, only 2 (1.90%) cases were positive for IgM Dengue antibodies. All subjects were negative for the IgM antibody of the JE virus. Till date no case of JE have not been reported in Rajasthan but Dengue encephalopathy might be missed as very few reports are available on its prevalence.