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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-3 | Issue-09
Solitary Thyroid Nodule: Clinical Evaluation and Management-A Prospective Study
Jayadatta G Pawar, R. Sai Sri Vardhan, M.B. Barigidad
Published: Sept. 30, 2017 | 175 170
DOI: 10.21276/sasjs.2017.3.9.2
Pages: 239-243
Thyroid nodules present a challenge in their diagnosis, evaluation, and management. The prevalence of these nodules in a given population depends on a number of factors like age, sex, diet, iodine deficiency, and even therapeutic and environmental radiation exposure. True solitary thyroid nodules (STN) occur in 4 - 7% of the adult population. They are more common in females (6.4%) as compared to males (1.5%) and this predisposition exists throughout all age groups. The ultimate aim in the evaluation of solitary thyroid nodule (STN) is to differentiate benign hyperplasia from true neoplasms. The study of minimum 30 cases with features of Solitary thyroid nodule during the study period (from January 2015 to December 2015) selected by Random Sampling Technique admitted to surgical wards in NMCH & RC, Raichur. Commonest presenting lesion was Benign lesions emerging as the single largest group with nodular goiter having the highest incidence of nearly 46.66% .This was followed by follicular adenomas which constituted 20%. Malignancy forms an important group constituting 20%.