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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-9 | Issue-07
Contribution to the Computerization of the Information System of the National Blood Transfusion Center of Chad
HOUAGABA Garba Magloire, DIALLO Baba, Marie-Dominique FIESCHI, M’BANGA Djimadoum, Marius FIESCHI, KANE Aboubacar S.T., SANGHO Oumar
Published: July 6, 2021 | 171 196
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2021.v09i07.003
Pages: 1139-1146
Introduction: The work presented in this document concerns the computerization of the information system of the CNTS in Chad. It follows on from an initial work which consisted in setting up a system allowing the systematic collection of data on donors, donations and LBPs. Given its organization and with the evolution of time, the system presented difficulties in terms of the fluidity of the circuit and the automation of data collection. The main objective of this project is therefore to improve this system by defining an improved circuit by strongly involving the users and the computerization of the data collection system. Material and methods: The material consisted of human and IT resources. The work methodology focused primarily on user training, defining a new data circuit, adding other functionalities to the data collection software and setting up an intranet. Results: As a result of this work, we achieved full user support for the system. Many other software features have been developed and a new data circuit has been defined. Conclusion: Thanks to the strategies put in place, we have succeeded in computerizing the entire blood donation circuit in this center, thus making the information circuit more fluid. The results of this work can serve as an example for the development of health information systems in a country like ours. Prospects for extending the system to the collection of other data can be explored by those in charge of the center and why not the possibility of extension at the national level?