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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-9 | Issue-07
Tattoo Unfolded the Mistaken Identity or Created?
Dr. Manoj Somani, Dr. Sangram Singh Yadav, Dr. Anil Garg
Published: July 11, 2021 | 201 149
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2021.v09i07.005
Pages: 1152-1154
The identification of unknown bodies is of outstanding importance for a well-functioning rule of law. Received a dead body of male individual referred on the grounds of advance stage of putrefaction. Primarily body was identified by the relatives with help of clothes and shoes. The body came to our department as a known case. On post mortem examination it was observed that the body had a tattoo over dorsum of right forearm which become more prominent after removing the skin of that area. The clothes of the deceased were thoroughly examined. Later on due to presence of this tattoo and discrepancy in clothes, relatives refused to take over the body and known case turned out to be an unknown case again. Thus, taking into account of all the accessible data, tattoos can be of great importance in the identification process and can provide useful information even in advanced stages of putrefaction.