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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-3 | Issue-09
Rhinolithiasis: A case series on an unusual clinical entity
Jalila Benayad, Bencheikh Razika, Rokhssi Safae, Leila Essakalli
Published: Sept. 30, 2017 | 173 335
DOI: 10.21276/sasjs.2017.3.9.7
Pages: 263-267
Rhinolithiasis are uncommon disease of nasal cavity; resulting from precipitation of calcareous concretion around organic or inorganic nuclues. This study aimed to review a series of patients diagnosed with rhinolithiasis, focusing on the surgical treatment with a literature review of this rare and overlooked diagnosis. this was a retrospective study, conducted over 16 years (January 2006-June 2017) in our ENT department. Patients were evaluated in terms of socioeconomic condition, clinical presentation symptoms, endoscopic and imaging finding. Surgical technique was described. A total of 7 cases were identified. Patient age ranged from 14 to 57 years; 5 cases were female. 5 patients were living in low socioeconomic conditions. The diagnostic delay varied from 1 year to 7 years. Unilateral chronic purulent rhinorrhea and nasal obstruction were the main complaint symptom. Nasal endoscopic examination and sinus CT scan were used for diagnosis in all patients. Removal of rhinolthisis was performed under general anesthesia by transnasal approach in all patients. Mineralogic examination of rhinolith was carried out in one case. Rhinolithiasis are a rare occurrence, but they should be suspected in every patient with chronic unilateral fetid discharge and nasal obstruction