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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-7 | Issue-07
Colorectal Cancer in Sudan; Clinicopathology and Surgical Outcomes: A Single Centre Study
Abdelgadir Ahmed Abdelgadir Amin, Yousif Abdallah Adam, Anas E lshafia Mohammed Elsheik, Anwar Sheikh Hassan, Osman S. Abdehamed,WalidALHag, Omer El.faroug Salim
Published: July 30, 2021 |
DOI: 10.36347/sasjs.2021.v07i07.008
Pages: 393-397
Background: Colorectal cancer is one of common cancers and second cause of death worldwide. In Sudan unfortunately there is few statistical date regarding colorectal cancer and its geographical, ethnic distribution, and pattern of presentation because of lack of statistics or underreporting. Objective: To study pattern of presentations and surgical outcome of colorectal cancer in Sudanese patients. Patients and methods: This study is descriptive cross sectional between (2014-2019); a prospective and retrospective study of histological confirmed cases of colorectal cancer was conducted at SUH. All patients who met the inclusion criteria were involved in the study. Results: We studied (124) patients in the period between (2014–2019). Highest percentage of the patients 78 (62.9%) aged between 46 – 70 years. The mean age was 67±2.4 years. Male to female ratio1.3:1. Rectal bleeding and altered bowel habits were the most frequent presenting symptoms. Left side colonic carcinoma was 82.7% represented the majority of cases with rectal tumor account for 49.2% of all cases. In preoperative, stage B was reported in majority of patients 74(59.7%). The most common surgical managements done for the patients were low anterior resection with or without ileostomy or colostomy32 (36.8%), APR 24(19.3%), left hemicolectomy 15(12.1%), right hemicolectomy 18(14.5%), sigmoid colectomy 9(7.3 and total colectomy 4(3.2%). Final histopathology reports showed that the 65% of the sample were moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma 76(61.3 %). the most frequent reported postoperative complication was surgical site infection 8(6.5%) and anastigmatic leak 3(2.4). Conclusion: The mean age of patients in this study was 67±2.4 year, with male to female ratio of 3:1. Rectal bleeding altered bowel habits were the most frequent presenting symptoms and anemia more common in right site. The most common endoscopy findings were rectal tumor, followed by anal tumor, sigmoid colon, ceacal and ............. .