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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-9 | Issue-08
Nursing Care in the Aging Process of the Elderly at the “Amawta Wuasi Samay” Residential Gerontological Center, Guaranda (Ecuador)
Norma Paredes-Sinche, Gladys Mite-Cárdenas, Morayma Remache-Agualongo, Favian Bayas-Morejón
Published: Aug. 3, 2021 | 139 96
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2021.v09i08.002
Pages: 1252-1255
A gerontological center is a place where older adults are welcomed, and those citizens who are 65 years of age or older are considered as such. Ecuador this population group represented 7% of the total population and is increasing. Aims: The purpose of the research seeks to cooperate to improve the reality of the elderly and help their caregivers to be prepared to properly carry out their work, strengthening the physical and psychological well-being of the adult population of the Residential Gerontological Center "Amawta Wasi Samay". Subjects and Methods: A descriptive - applicative research, documentary and field through observation and surveys was applied. Results: It was obtained as results that 82.8% of older adults are totally independent, in fact, 72% can contain their basic needs. However, 51.72% of patients present with severe cognitive impairment (memory loss). It should also be noted that most of them are dependent drugs in 75.86%. In relation to the level of knowledge of the caregivers, they have an acceptable level of 74%. Likewise, is acceptable the proposal to incorporate a basic nursing care guide into the center, in which nutritional food diets stand out.