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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-8 | Issue-07
A Baseline Study on the Water Occupancy Rates of Çermikler Dam (Sivas-Turkey) between 2015- 2019
Seher Dirican
Published: Aug. 5, 2021 | 165 140
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2021.v08i07.002
Pages: 76-78
Turkey because it is located in a semi-arid region precipitation varies greatly according to season and region. However, the increase in summer temperatures caused by climate change in Turkey, reduced winter rainfall, loss of surface waters, droughts that are more frequent, floods and erosion affects directly threatens water resources. This paper is about the water occupancy rates of Çermikler Dam in Sivas province. In this context, the water occupancy rate data of Çermikler Dam between 2015 and 2019 were evaluated. While the lowest water occupancy rate was determined as 6.2% in 2018, the highest water occupancy rate was determined as 42.0% in 2019. The average annual water occupancy rate of Çermikler Dam between 2015 and 2019 has been calculated as 24.50%. This indicates that Çermikler Dam is affected by drought. Therefore, droughts in Kızılırmak Basin where Çermikler Dam is located should be monitored. Accordingly, the waters of the Çermikler Dam should be managed. It is very important to use water rationally and efficiently.