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Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy | Volume-10 | Issue-08
Study the Relationship between Omega-3 Dietary Intake and Rheumatoid Arthritis
Salima Elfagi, Esra bushofa, Faiza Nouh, Nairouz Elkarghali, Hanan Shaheen, Aya Alhonli, Mariam Omar, Ashmisa Eltuhami
Published: Aug. 9, 2021 | 189 159
DOI: 10.36347/sajp.2021.v10i08.001
Pages: 128-138
Problem and background: with low prevalence of RA as its affect only 1% of adult population worldwide most physicians and patients do not have adequate knowledge and experience about nutritious role in managing the disease activity, the aim is to study the relationship between omega-3 fatty acid intake and rheumatoid arthritis. Method: In this cross sectional study conducted in 2020 included a sample of 100 RA patients we trying to prove the role of omega-3 anti-inflammatory properties in RA disease activity also to study patient’s knowledge of omega3 and their dietary attitude. Result: Chi square test was used to indicate the relationship of omega-3 intake and symptoms of RA. There was significant statistic difference in these symptoms: {morning stiffness P = 0.000, standing and sitting pain P = 0.000, getting heavy things P = 0.000, up stair pain P = 0.02, bending down hardness P = 0.000, household hardness P = 0.000}. Also indicate significant statistical difference between educated level and omega-3 knowledge P = 0.000. however, there was no statistical difference between family income and omega-3 intake P = 0.1, “Chi-square test” also indicate significant statistic difference between the kind of treatment used and these symptoms (morning stiffness, standing and sitting pain, getting heavy things, house hold hardness, praying on a chair). Conclusion: Our study found that omega3 rich diet is associated with decrease RA disease activity.